PlayStation Volume Controller

From Videogame Interface Wiki

A paddle controller for the PlayStation, has a pretty good amount of games that use it. It communicates in the same way as the neGcon, so it's also compatible with games made for that controller and other wheels, as long as they only need two buttons.

There are two versions: the original white with grey buttons and a red dial, and a green and blue version that came bundled with Taito's Puchi Carat in PAL countries. I've seen it both as a green with blue buttons/dial and blue with green buttons/dial. Curiously, the Puchi Carat version is shown with a yellow dial on the box.

PAL version
PAL version in box

Compatible Games


  • Arkanoid Returns
  • Arkanoid R2000
  • ブロックくずし デデンの逆襲
  • Bomb Bee (secret game in Namco Museum vol. 2)
  • Cutie Q (in Namco Museum vol. 2)
  • Prism Land Story
  • Puchi Carat
  • ぷるるん! with シェイプUPガールズ
  • Super Breakout (in Atari Arcade Classics Vol.1)
  • Tempest X3

PlayStation 2

See Also