Channel F Hand-Controller

From Videogame Interface Wiki
Revision as of 03:49, 11 December 2022 by Rjt (talk | contribs) (Nabu Joystick → Nabu Games Controller, based on name in use manual)

Default controller for the Fairchild Channel F and Channel F System II. On the first console they're hard-wired to the system, but for the System II they use Atari's DE9 port.

It's shaped like the stick part of a joystick, which you hold with one hand, and the top has a triangular-shaped knob that can be pulled up and pushed down (2 digital buttons), tilted like a joystick (8-way digital joystick), and twisted like a paddle controller (analogue). It's pretty clever, and covers most of the popular input types of the time.

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